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Buses from Trinity College Dublin (TCD) to University College Dublin (UCD, Belfield) & Campus Map of UCD


As many of you are at staying at Trinity College here is some information on buses from Trinity College Dublin to University College Dublin (UCD, Belfield).  Also included here is a campus map of UCD with information on how to find the Humanities Institute which is the venue for the symposium.  


Buses from Trinity College Dublin (TCD) to University College Dublin (UCD, Belfield) 

Bus stops can be found on Nassau Street

Buses 39, 39a leave from bus stop ND (this bus takes you to the centre of campus which is about 5 min walk to Humanities Institute)

We strongly recommend that you use this bus route unless you are familiar with UCD Campus.

When you arrive at the bus terminal follow the orange sign to UCD Main Campus.  There is construction work on at present so that you are guided through this to the Main Campus.  Follow this path, it will open out, take Left turn just before the Gerard Manley Hopkins Building.  Walk between the two buildings until you reach a road.  Cross the road, continue straight ahead which takes you across a car park.  At the far side of the car park, turn Right.  Looking straight ahead you should see a large sign for Bellgrove Residents Village.  At the top of this sign, partially shrouded by leaves, is the sign for the Humanitiies Institute of Ireland, with an arrow indicating Left.  Follow this sign to Reimagining Birth.


Bus 145 leaves from bus stop NE (this bus stops outside the main campus entrance, adding about 5 min to your walk to the Humanities Institute)

Ask the driver to tell you when you are approaching UCD Belfield

It usually takes between 15-20 min 

However, it can take longer in the mornings 20-30 min

For more information on buses in and around Dublin city centre download here:
























When you arrive on UCD campus it will take you 5-10 min walk to the Humanities Institute


The Humanities Institute of Ireland (HII) is building No.27, grid ref:  F9 on the campus map


Click on the map below, a map with notes (pdf) will open in a new window, scroll to page two for details on how to find the Humanities Institute.






























































Humanities Institute, UCD

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